Sunday, May 13, 2012


Eddie Dawkins has made it to the Olympics.  We have very excited about having a Southlander make it through to the Olympics.  Go Eddie.  We also have been watching Matt Archibald working the tracks.  We hear he is coming in a close second behind Eddie.  Look out Eddie!!
We have been watching some of the races that Eddie and Matt have been in.  This one was in Beijeng in January this year.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


We had some very cute and cuddly puppies visit our classroom yesterday.  Adelles mum, Renei brought them in to show and we were very lucky to get a cuddle and a pat from the wee pups.We now have another topic to write about in our Report writing.  Thanks to Renei and Adelle for bringing the pups in to show us.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Eddie Dawkins has made it to the Olympics.  We have very excited about having a Southlander make it through to the Olympics.  Go Eddie.  We also have been watching Matt Archibald working the tracks.  We hear he is coming in a close second behind Eddie.  Look out Eddie!!
We have been watching some of the races that Eddie and Matt have been in.  This one was in Beijeng in January this year.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


We had some very cute and cuddly puppies visit our classroom yesterday.  Adelles mum, Renei brought them in to show and we were very lucky to get a cuddle and a pat from the wee pups.We now have another topic to write about in our Report writing.  Thanks to Renei and Adelle for bringing the pups in to show us.