Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Tena koutou katoa

Haere mai, nau mai, haere mai.
Welcome back to term 2 2012.  I have been counting down the days to get back to school and now it's finally here.  With much excitement, I am pleased to be back and look forward to learning and working with my class of tamariki.

While I have been away, I've had time to learn more waiata on my ukelele, so look out we will be singing lots of cool waiata.  I have also created some cool interactive whiteboard activities for you to use in your learning so you will be given many opportunities to become ICT experts.

I look forward to preparing our waiata for Putangitangi competitions and Polyfest and I am pleased to say that the Kapa Haka roopu/group is on it's way sounding wonderful with a couple of new waiata on our list already.

Oliver is looking forward to spending some quality time with his aunty and grandma while I'm back at school teaching - so look out Mary and Jack, you better put your toys away up high as Oliver is nearly walking.

Keep checking into our blog as I aim to update this on a weekly basis and I may add some homework activities for you to carry out in addition to making comments.  Use our blog to access maths and literacy activities and games, most of these will be linked to your current learning intentions.

Happy blogging


Miss McGinnis

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Tena koutou katoa

Haere mai, nau mai, haere mai.
Welcome back to term 2 2012.  I have been counting down the days to get back to school and now it's finally here.  With much excitement, I am pleased to be back and look forward to learning and working with my class of tamariki.

While I have been away, I've had time to learn more waiata on my ukelele, so look out we will be singing lots of cool waiata.  I have also created some cool interactive whiteboard activities for you to use in your learning so you will be given many opportunities to become ICT experts.

I look forward to preparing our waiata for Putangitangi competitions and Polyfest and I am pleased to say that the Kapa Haka roopu/group is on it's way sounding wonderful with a couple of new waiata on our list already.

Oliver is looking forward to spending some quality time with his aunty and grandma while I'm back at school teaching - so look out Mary and Jack, you better put your toys away up high as Oliver is nearly walking.

Keep checking into our blog as I aim to update this on a weekly basis and I may add some homework activities for you to carry out in addition to making comments.  Use our blog to access maths and literacy activities and games, most of these will be linked to your current learning intentions.

Happy blogging


Miss McGinnis